Hot Logo Welcome to 1740 Hot Alliance.


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Welcome to 1740 Hot Alliance webpage Below you will find our current rules. Please read them before joining.
Violating these rules might get you a warning, demotion or expell

* Read the ingame mails, chats and whispers as they may contain important information
* Change your Original Monarchname if you still have it
* Teleport to our hive and try to line up so theres enough room for others
* Try joining as much rally's as possible
* Only explore relics you opened yourself and make a screenshot when opening them
* The server now has full Truce (NAP) so we are not allowed to attack anyone
* Only spawn Fenrirs at least 50KM from our hive as they will clog up the hive
* Join our Discord if you can. It contains info and tips
* If you are unsure about anything, just ask in chat. We are here to help you.


Willkommen auf der 1740 Hot Alliance-Webseite
Unten finden Sie unsere aktuellen Regeln. Bitte lesen Sie sie, bevor Sie beitreten.
Das Missachten dieser Regeln kann zu einer Warnung, Degradierung oder Ausschluss führen.


Bienvenue sur la page Web de 1740 Hot Alliance
Vous trouverez ci-dessous nos règles actuelles. Veuillez les lire avant de rejoindre.
En cas de violation de ces règles, vous pourriez recevoir un avertissement, une rétrogradation ou être expulsé.


Bienvenido a la página web de 1740 Hot Alliance
A continuación, encontrarás nuestras reglas actuales. Por favor, léelas antes de unirte.
Violar estas reglas puede resultar en una advertencia, degradación o expulsión.


Bun venit pe pagina web 1740 Hot Alliance
Mai jos veți găsi regulile noastre actuale. Vă rugăm să le citiți înainte de a vă alătura.
Încălcarea acestor reguli poate duce la un avertisment, retrogradare sau excludere.


1740 Hot Alliance web sayfasına hoş geldiniz
Aşağıda mevcut kurallarımızı bulacaksınız. Lütfen katılmadan önce onları okuyun.
Bu kuralları ihlal etmek uyarı, rütbe düşürme veya kovulmayla sonuçlanabilir.

**Chinese (Simplified):**

欢迎来到1740 Hot Alliance网页


Welkom op de 1740 Hot Alliance-webpagina
Hieronder vind je onze huidige regels. Lees ze alsjeblieft voordat je lid wordt.
Het overtreden van deze regels kan resulteren in een waarschuwing, degradatie of verwijdering.


Bem-vindo à página da 1740 Hot Alliance
Abaixo você encontrará nossas regras atuais. Por favor, leia-as antes de se juntar.
Violar essas regras pode resultar em um aviso, rebaixamento ou expulsão.


Добро пожаловать на веб-страницу 1740 Hot Alliance
Ниже вы найдете наши текущие правила. Пожалуйста, прочитайте их перед вступлением.
Нарушение этих правил может привести к предупреждению, понижению в должности или исключению.